You are
You are
You are
You are freezing!
You are sick!
Music off
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Enable shuffle

Realms of Drakonia

Next turn:

[-] Character

[-] Work

[-] Town

[-] Property & Offices

[-] Travel

Your name is

You are currently

You are

You are

Your health is /.

Your mana is /.

It is currently day .

A day of game time is real minutes long.

New days currently begin at...


Realms of Drakonia



Realms of Drakonia

Mail Inbox



Realms of Drakonia

Mail Outbox



Realms of Drakonia

Use skills


Who may use skills on you?

Heal wounds


Heal disease


Always allow from:


Realms of Drakonia

Use skills

Realms of Drakonia

Available quests



Realms of Drakonia

Quest log





Realms of Drakonia

Quest name



Realms of Drakonia

Quest name



Realms of Drakonia



Realms of Drakonia

Write a new mail


Subject heading



Realms of Drakonia


Realms of Drakonia


Realms of Drakonia


You can enter a new password here or change your email.

Old password:

New password:

New password: Repeat new password





Realms of Drakonia

Quests you can start


Realms of Drakonia

This is the chatter of your group.



Realms of Drakonia

Realms of Drakonia

Your current equipment


Armor values

Other Magic:


Realms of Drakonia


These groups are here:

Really leave the group?


The following people are exempt from robbery:


These groups are here:



Create your own group


Max. members


Guild members only

Restrict to names from this list



Manage your own group


Max. members


Guild members only

Restrict to names from this list




Group members:



This is the chatter of your group.


Realms of Drakonia

Your health is /.

Your mana is /.

You are

You are

You have name changes left.


You have sex changes left. -

You have 0 stats point to increase your main stats.

Strength /

Courage /

Intelligence /

Charisma /

Agility /

Dexterity /

Constitution /

Intuition /




Learning Points





Realms of Drakonia

Automatically equip best weapon:

Larger combat order:

Combat order:

Magic style:


Healing self: using the style

Healing others: using the style

HP potion style: using the style

MP potion style: using the style


Walk slower, but find more paths:

Attempt to find robbers:


Show your skills to:

Show your inventory to:

Mutually help group members in quests:



Realms of Drakonia


Realms of Drakonia

Your description

Show attributes to other players


Realms of Drakonia

Pick your work for this turn


Realms of Drakonia

This is the jail!


Realms of Drakonia

This is the arena!

Fights in the arena are rarely lethal, but it happens. You can pick the following fights today:


There are no player duels scheduled here tonight.

The following player duels are available or scheduled for tonight:


You can fight against another person too:

Challenge certain player:

Send challenge to:


Realms of Drakonia


These ships leave from this harbor:


Realms of Drakonia

Player register

Enter a player name:


Realms of Drakonia

List of citizens


Realms of Drakonia

List of residents


Realms of Drakonia

This is the town hall of


Realms of Drakonia

The following activities are outlawed in this town


Realms of Drakonia

The following taxes are imposed in the town of


Realms of Drakonia

The following people are running for election


Realms of Drakonia

This is the campaign of


Realms of Drakonia

This is your campaign text for the election.


Realms of Drakonia

This is the mayor's office of


Realms of Drakonia






Realms of Drakonia

Crime register


Realms of Drakonia

You won!

You win x gold.

Realms of Drakonia

The map

Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.

Pick a direction

You are currently not travelling anywhere.

Your travelling speed is km per day.



Realms of Drakonia

Your inventory


You carry /

Your travelling speed is acres per day.


Realms of Drakonia

The bank


Realms of Drakonia

The guild bank


Realms of Drakonia

Your property


Realms of Drakonia

Your house


Realms of Drakonia

The bank


Realms of Drakonia

This town has the following shops:


You can buy this here:


You can sell this here:



You have gold


Realms of Drakonia



Realms of Drakonia




Realms of Drakonia

This town has the following blacksmiths:


Realms of Drakonia

This town has the following healers:


Realms of Drakonia

In this town there are the following taverns:


You are currently not renting a bed room.

You can rent these bed rooms:

You have rented a bed room!


These people are in the tavern:

Here is their chatter:

The following things are on the menu:


You have gold


You are

You are


Realms of Drakonia

This is the public pinboard of .

You have gold


Realms of Drakonia

This is the guild pinboard of .


Realms of Drakonia

The following temples can be visited:


You're praying...


Realms of Drakonia

You are inside the guild hall.


Realms of Drakonia

Member list:


Realms of Drakonia

Guild member name


Realms of Drakonia

The following people have applied to join your guild:


Realms of Drakonia


Realms of Drakonia

You can appoint the following members as the new guild leader:


Realms of Drakonia

Guild list:


Realms of Drakonia

Guild settings:


Realms of Drakonia

Apply to

You can add a text to your application.


Realms of Drakonia

Guild details of


Realms of Drakonia


Enter a motto for your guild:

Enter a description of your guild:


Realms of Drakonia

Your guild has the following ranks:


Realms of Drakonia

The rank has the following rights:


Realms of Drakonia

Create a new rank:

Enter a title for your new rank:


Realms of Drakonia

Creating a guild costs 10,000 gold.

Enter a name for your guild:


Realms of Drakonia

This town has the following teachers:


For , will teach you everything about .

Für wird dir alles beibringen, was über .

You have Learning Points to spend!

You can learn this here:


Realms of Drakonia

Your journal


Realms of Drakonia

Combat logs

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Welcome to Realms of Drakonia!

A free and casual role-playing game.

Recently active players: 0



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* Login: This will be used to login.

* Password: Passwords are stored encrypted in our database.

* Retype password:

* Character name: This will be your character's name in the game.

* Choose an archetype:

Email: Used for password resets.

Enter your email address: